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ESC 2012, Finale

So tonight it's time for the finale, the most exciting and nerve- racking part of the whole competition. By this time you have picked some favorites (or even that one specific favorite) and keep hoping also other people in Europe agree with you about what's hot and what's not this year. You might also be betting with your friends on which are the winners this year, even tough it's incredibly hard to predict when you have over 40 countries with a very diverse cultures voting. But for me that's part of the fun: you can't take it too seriously when you just can't know how it'll turn out in the end.

As for tonight, it's as hard as ever to guess who'll be the big winner. There is no Ryback or Lordi this year. What I'll do here is comment on the six songs that have gotten straight to the finale (the big five and Azerbaijan) and after that I'll make some guestimations on how it'll turn out tonight. But first the 6 songs we have yet to hear live.

1. United Kingdom - Engelbert Humperdinck : Love Will Set You Free
I have to admit I had no idea who Humperdinck was before I heard this song. But then again I have never heard of most of the performers in ESC. Love Will Set You Free is such a classical ballad and a very good one. When Humberdinck is singing you do believe every word he says. It's just beautiful and definitely one of the best ballads in this years competition.

9. France - Anggun : Echo (You And I)
This is such a weird song, but in a good way. You really have to concentrate to it. But to me it's a sweet treat. I love Anggun's voice and this is such a interesting song that it has been one of my personal favorites for a while. But to be frank, I don't think this will make super well tonight, it won't be a winner song. Or at least that's my guess.

10. Italy - Nina Zilli : L'Amore È Femmina (Out Of Love)
Amy Winehouse. That was pretty much the first thought I had in my head when I saw Nina Zilli and heard this song. Because, if you can't hear and see the similarities with these two singers and their music, I don't know what you've been listening to. But to me this is better than Amy's music. And again this is one of my favorites this year. I'm only sorry that Nina isn't singing her song in Italian, because it's even better then. (If you haven't heard the Italian version you can listen to it here: )

13. Azerbaijan - Sabina Babayeva : When The Music Dies
You know, I would have been much happier for Azerbaijan's victory last year if this had been the victorious song. I mean, this is in no means my favorite song this year, but it's still light year better than the song that won last year. I don't think this is a winning song this year when there is so many nice ballads competing, but I wouldn't be surprised if it made rather well tonight anyway.

19. Spain - Pastora Soler : Quédate Conmigo (Stay With Me)
Again a proper ballad. I think this is the best song Spain has sent to the competition in years. I mean, it's not one of my personal favorites, but I definitely wouldn't mind if Spain did well this year.

20. Germany - Roman Lob : Standing Still
He's such an eye candy. (Can I say that?) I mean, I really don't mind looking this video again and again and again. And what's even better, the song is a nice one too, something I don't mind hearing again and again. I can't quite justify putting Roman on the top of my list just because he's so cute but as the song is also nice to listen to it's definitely on the favorites side of the table.

All in all I think the big 5 have really stepped up their game this year. There isn't one bad song here, as also Azerbaijan has a good song this year. I'm pretty sure all of them will make it to the top half in the scores, or at least they would deserve it.

As for who'll make it to the top tonight, it's really hard to say. There are few safe bets for the top 10, such as Russia and Sweden. These two have been on the top for a long time so no-one should be surprised if one of them will be the winner but I don't think that someone couldn't come from the behind and grab the prize from under their noses. For example also Serbia and Italy have pretty good odds on the betting sites. After these four there does seem to be a bigger gab in the odds before the next countries.

All the above mentioned four would also be in my top 10. Other than that my picks at this point are Ireland, United Kingdom, Estonia, Romania, Cyprus and Germany. And let me note that this isn't the same as my favorites. These are my estimations of what could actually do well. But I'll definitely re-evaluate my top 10 after we've heard them live.

In any case we'll have an exciting night ahead of us!

PS. About the second semifinale: As I predicted, it' was really hard to guess who would get through to the finale. I got 7/10 right, the same number as in the first semi. The ones I got right were Serbia, Macedonia, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Turkey and Ukraine. I'm very pleased that Georgia didn't make it, little bit sad that Portugal didn't and horrified that Lithuania actually got through. Honest to God, how did anyone like that?

1 kommentti:

  1. About The Hump, I bet you're familiar with this song even if you didin't make the connection
