Sopa de batata doce eli bataattikeitto
- 2 rkl voita
- 1 sipuli
- 3 valkosipulinkynttä
- n. 6 rkl hienonnettua persiljaa
- 4 tomaattia
- 1 keskikokoinen bataatti (n. 600 g)
- 2,5 dl maitoa
- 1 l lihalientä
- suolaa
- valkopippuria
- 1-3 kattilaa (määrä riippuen siitä, haluatko pestä niitä kesken valmistuksen)
- leikkuulauta
- terävä veitsi
- kuorimaveitsi
- perunasurvin
- kauha
- kulho
Määrä: 4 annosta
- Kuori ja pilko bataatti. Keitä bataatinpalaset kypsiksi.
- Muhenna bataatti perunasurvimella.
- Kalttaa, kuori ja pilko tomaatit.
- Kuutioi sipuli ja murskaa valkosipulinkynnet.
- Paista sipulia, valkosipulia ja persiljaa voissa noin 3 minuuttia kattilassa.
- Lisää muut ainekset kattilaan. Mausta suolalla ja valkopippurilla oman maun mukaan.
- Kiehauta sekoittaen, kunnes keitto sakeutuu.
- Koristele tuoreella persiljalla.
* * *
As I mentioned couple of posts back, I've decided to do couple of changes in this blog. One of my ideas has been to broaden the subjects I write about and write them under more defined titles. A definite inspiration among others for this has been Inari's blog. To start this I wanted to launch a series under the title Kitchen experiments, where I obviously write about my cooking experiments. I do this also so I'd actually go and try to cook new things. It's too easy to just always do the same old stuff, even when you really like cooking.
Sopa de batata doce or sweet potato soup
I bought a sweet potato couple of days ago because I like it, but I had no idea what I'd do about it. Today I decided on a sweet potato soup. I found an interesting recipe from the book Ruokaa rippeistä (Food from the remnants) written by Roderick Dixon. The recipe is originally Brazilian. I modified the recipe slightly so here's my version of the soup.
- 2 tablespoon of butter
- 1 onion
- 3 cloves of garlic
- about 6 tablespoon of finely chopped parsley
- 4 tomatoes
- 1 medium-sized sweet potato (about 600 g)
- 2,5 dl milk
- 1 l broth / stock
- salt
- white pepper
- 1-3 pots (the number depending on if you want to wash them in the middle of the preparations)
- chopping board
- sharp knife
- pealing knife
- potato pestle
- scoop
- bowl
Quantity: 4 portions
- Peal and chop the sweet potato into piecesi. Boil it.
- Mash the sweet potato.
- Scald, peal and chop the tomatoes.
- Chop the onion into cubes and cruch the garlic.
- Fry onion, garlic and parsley in a pot with the butter for 3 minutes.
- Add other ingredients to the pot. Season with salt and white pepper.
- Let the soup boil while you mix it until it thickens.
- Garnish with fresh parsley.
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